Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How to Make a Beautiful Life

Love yourself.

MAKE PEACE with who you are

and where you are

at this moment in time.

Listen to your heart.

If you can't hear what it's saying

in this noisy world.

MAKE TIME for yourself.

Enjoy your own company.

Let your mind wander among the stars.


Take chances.


Life can be very messy

and horribly confusing at so many times,

but remember that is full of so many surprises.

The next step you take might

be the one you have been waiting for.

Be happy.

When you don't have what you want in front of you,

remember to want what you do have.


That is my secret to contentment.

There isn't any shortcuts to tomorrow.

You have to make YOUR OWN WAY.

To know wher eyou're going

is only part of the fun.

You need to know where you've been, too.

And if you should ever get lost along the way, don't worry.

The people who love you, including me, will find you and bring you back.

Count on it.

Life isn't days and years.

It is what you do with your time

and all the goodness and love

that is inside of you.


The kind of life you deserve.

Friday, June 13, 2008

My Blessings

I am so thankful for warm weather and clear skies.

I had a wonderful day today filled with joy, happiness and even a little bit of being scared. I still have so many blessings just for today.

Enjoy your life my sisters...we all have it good.. even though we had some bad times they are always trumped by the good ones.

My blessings are:

1) I am so blessed for water gun fights with my children and neighbors. We had a blast and I forgot how much fun they were until tonight. Thank you for reminding me.

2) I am blessed for mammograms. They don't really hurt. They are just uncomfortable. They however, made me cry and realize how wonderful my life is and how bad it could be if something is discovered.

Boy, I am so proud for all the women in the world battling breast cancer. You have become my hero's today.

3) I am so so very blessed and thankful for the sister who called to see if I was ok.

I have come to understand that the male species doesn't understand the bond woman have together. How it can be so deeply felt between sisters. I actually think they are jealous, insecure and confused.

Thank you my dear sister for thinking of me today ~ I hope you enjoyed your dinner because I was able to enjoy mine when I got home because of you.

Let us all remember to love each other. Without each other we would be lost. We need our girlfriends and our sisters. They are the rocks that keep up from falling to far.

Thank you ~ Thank you and I love you all .....



Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.

So, love those who treat you right, forget about the ones who dont, and remember everything happens for a reason.

If you get a chance..take it, if it changes your life..let it.

Nobody said it'd be easy , they just promised it'd be worth it.♥

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Happiness shared in the form of friendships and love is happiness multiplied.
I am reminded everyday how lucky I am to have such amazing people in my life.
This quote reminds me of how happy I am, but more important how happy I really am when it is shared with others.
I have overcome so many obstacles in my life that I can only imagine what the future entails. With all the love that I am experiencing now only makes my path in life more enjoyable.
The spirit can only handle so much pain but when it experiences love and happiness it is never ending. The love that I am experiencing is replacing all that sorrow and sadness in my soul.
My soul is becoming alive again. It is learning to love again. It is learning how to laugh and cry. It is learning that life is not only sadness and madness but that it is filled with so much love and happiness.
For me, I have found the way to life.
Love is the answer for it all...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Summer of 78 (not 69)

I remember it like yesterday ~ the neighborhood pool. I went for my first advanced swim lesson. It was time for me to jump into the deep end and swim back to the side.

I remember the exact look of the pool. Blue on the bottom with white sides and concrete ledges. A big blue diving board with broken springs and chipping paint. With a BIG huge fence as tall as the sky wrapped around the entire pool.

All our parents stood outside that fence and were not allowed in during lessons. It was just us and the lifeguard. I remember I had 3 friends in there from school with a total of about 10 kids.

NOW.. a lifeguard is suppose to watch those 10 kids along with teaching them how to swim. RIGHT?

So, we all line up along that white concrete edge. All 10 of us.

The funny thing is that I remember this swim instructor very well. A high school er with long blond hair. No flaws whatsoever. Just simply beautiful. I remember wanting to be and look just like her as I grew up. She was just stunning. I remember being in awe over her and almost feeling "in love" with her. It was a moment that I will never forget.

I also remember this boy. The boy on the other side of the fence. He was VERY cute. Big muscles, curly black hair. Simply gorgeous. I remember feeling that in order to have a boyfriend like that I must be beautiful like her. I remember promising myself that day to become the most beautiful person, physically that is, that I could be. I didn't realize it at that time that what is inside counts the most. It will only take me 35 years to finally understand it all.

As she stood at the side of the pool with us. She instructed us all to jump in and then swim to to the side. The cement side. OK.. this should be easy. Well, I jumped in but couldn't swim. WHAT I CAN"T SWIM... someone help me.

I remember looking up and seeing the top of the water. It was so close but yet so far far away. I remember seeing a light.. I remember drowning. I was drowning. I remember grabbing on anything that was around me. Grabbing my friends by the legs and pulling them down. Pulling them all down. Until one of my classmates. NOT THE INSTRUCTOR. Pulled me to safely.
Where was that damn lifeguard...

I was dying. I was dying on the white cement side of this public pool. I was grasping for air. I was dreaming of a different world. I was scared. So scared of that water now.

That damn lifeguard was "socializing" with the gorgeous boy through the fence. If it wasn't for my friend I would have died. I would have died as this girl, who I so looked up too, smooched face through the chain link fence of the pool.

I never took another swim lesson again. I hate swimming pools. I hate gorgeous blond lifeguards and cute boys with curly black hair. I hate the water.

However, this is the day that I will forgive this person. I will let it go. I will release all the anger and fear and just let it go. I will try and swim in the pool again or at least duck my head under water.

As my soul is releasing all the negative energy that I have held on to for so long, I am smiling at the feeling of relief. I can actually feel it being released from my body. I feel it in my toes, my stomach, my neck and even my head.

I love this feeling of forgiveness.

I forgive you gorgeous blond beautiful lifeguard. I forgive you and I love you.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Chapter 1 ~ The Introduction??

How should I introduce myself...

Tracy, TaTa (as my little brother called me when he was a baby), mom, wife, friend, sister, aunt, daughter, shrink, gardener, dry cleaner, maid, chauffeur, and any other "namesake" that us SAHM's seem to take on...

I wonder.......and wonder some more...I keep wondering as to what the best way would be to describe me....

I am not really to sure who I am...

Am I one person today and tomorrow another?
Am I both at once?

I am that one person that lives within me.. I wish to be happy, loved, supported, blessed, healthy, and most of all grateful. I have conquered those all. Really, I just don't think I have to the fullest.

But as far as who I really really am....That person was lost long ago.. So long ago that I have decided to start my spiritual journey to find myself.

Ever wake up and just look at the walls whether they are colored or all white? Ever just look out the window and wonder what life will bring you on that day? What choices you have made or are about to make? I have.. more than once...and definitely more than twice.

Well, I have decided that I will no longer lay in that bed and just wonder. It is time for me to find out.. Find out who I am exactly, what my soul is longing for or needing. To make sure that if my life was to end tomorrow I would have no regrets.

I don't want any regrets.. I will not have any regrets.. I don't want to think that if I die tonight will I die with regret?

So I have this to say to everyone or anyone that will listen... whether I need to say it or I should have said it: "I forgive you", "I am sorry" , and most of all "I love you"........

I am me... a wonderful, loving, fun person... lets just find out WHO she really is...so I will begin searching and I am glad that you have chosen to come along for the ride. I am sure it will be boring at times, but at the same time I hope we have alot of laughs because I know there will be alot of tears!

Tracy ~ start your engine.....