Friday, June 13, 2008

My Blessings

I am so thankful for warm weather and clear skies.

I had a wonderful day today filled with joy, happiness and even a little bit of being scared. I still have so many blessings just for today.

Enjoy your life my sisters...we all have it good.. even though we had some bad times they are always trumped by the good ones.

My blessings are:

1) I am so blessed for water gun fights with my children and neighbors. We had a blast and I forgot how much fun they were until tonight. Thank you for reminding me.

2) I am blessed for mammograms. They don't really hurt. They are just uncomfortable. They however, made me cry and realize how wonderful my life is and how bad it could be if something is discovered.

Boy, I am so proud for all the women in the world battling breast cancer. You have become my hero's today.

3) I am so so very blessed and thankful for the sister who called to see if I was ok.

I have come to understand that the male species doesn't understand the bond woman have together. How it can be so deeply felt between sisters. I actually think they are jealous, insecure and confused.

Thank you my dear sister for thinking of me today ~ I hope you enjoyed your dinner because I was able to enjoy mine when I got home because of you.

Let us all remember to love each other. Without each other we would be lost. We need our girlfriends and our sisters. They are the rocks that keep up from falling to far.

Thank you ~ Thank you and I love you all .....


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